We Are Student Back Again !!!!!
Agak lama tak update Blog nie.. wow almost 3 years .. surely because of the kesibukan yang amat dangan kerja, famliy, anak-anak & the latest tadaaa!!!!! We are back as a student again ...My Wife & I officially Registered as a UKM Postgraduate Student pada 18 February 2016 here @ Dewan Gemilang UKM. Macam tak percaya jadi student balik.. Gambar atas tu im waiting for the number to call my next queue.. My Wife HLP & me myself CBBP (Cuti Belajar Bergaji Penuh) Alhamdulillah berkat Doa , Kesungguhan , Determination to further study at last come's alife.. Enjoy the picture's ya. The same day on 18 February 2016 , after finist everythings @ Gemilang Hall , kebetulan pass by Bahagian Keselamatan UKM , hmm why not just stop by and request for the Pelekat Kenderaan UKM , mula-mula isi Form online @ Trafik UKM , fill up the form such as Plate No. , Date of Road TAx and etc. Immediately Pak Guard & Mak Guard bagi kita the Pelekat. Fast & efficient. Haha .. ...