
Showing posts from January, 2011

Wafiq @ 7 month

Ai Wafiq in his My First GYM Getting excited to reach the GYM How adorable!!! Now Ahmad Wafiq already reach 7 month plus++ , how fast the time goes by. List of Wafiq do's nowadays : (1)Wafiq Already be able to . . . Sit without support - Pass Make razzing sounds - Pass Imitate sound - Pass Work at getting a toy that is out of reach - Pass Feed self a cracker or finger food - Pass Start crawling or lunging forward - Pass Get upset if you take a toy away - Pass Play peek-a-boo - Pass Distinguish emotions by your tone of voice - Pass Pass object from one hand to the other - Pass Separation and stranger anxiety may begin - Pass Stand while holding onto something -Pass Wave goodbye -Pass Clap hands Bang objects together Say mama or dada Pull up to standing position from sitting Walk holding onto furniture Testing, testing... By now, you may have already told your baby that the telephone is not a toy, or that rattles are not for throwing, or that her sister's hair is not for pul...